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Estamos prontos para atender suas necessidades em gabinetes e painéis eletrônicos. Entre em contato conosco para mais informações.


(11) 93930.1533




Estamos localizados em uma área estratégica para atender nossos clientes com eficiência e qualidade em produtos metalúrgicos.


Rua Exemplo, 123, Cidade


Seg a Sex

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Os gabinetes da Naoko Metalúrgica são de excelente qualidade e atendem perfeitamente às nossas necessidades.

João Silva

A section of an industrial machine, featuring metal components and a mechanism for processing or assembling parts. The setup includes wiring and a slanted metal panel, with a robotic element prominent in the background.
A section of an industrial machine, featuring metal components and a mechanism for processing or assembling parts. The setup includes wiring and a slanted metal panel, with a robotic element prominent in the background.

A Naoko Metalúrgica sempre entrega no prazo e seus produtos são de alta durabilidade e resistência.

Maria Souza

A rugged workshop setting with men working on metal structures outside and inside a large wooden shed. One man stands outside talking on the phone, while others are busy with metal doors and frames. The area is surrounded by dirt and debris, with a few buildings visible in the background.
A rugged workshop setting with men working on metal structures outside and inside a large wooden shed. One man stands outside talking on the phone, while others are busy with metal doors and frames. The area is surrounded by dirt and debris, with a few buildings visible in the background.